Alright, this might be the last update i ever make for this game, this time for good. It's not a huge one so i will describe all changes in more granular details, but as you can see there's still a lot to uncover so let's get down to business.
-Made AI behaviour a bit less predictable and aggressive.
-Removed collisions between players.
-Added an extra mini-game, for a total of six.
-Added medals for each mini-game, unlockable by following specific requirements.
-Added the option to decide the maximum amount of objects in a custom match.
-Added different maximum amounts of objects for all mini-games and story mode challenges.
-Added a new hand template for some of the characters.
-Added extra durability to all characters.
-Made various balancing changes to story mode and mini-games.
-Increased the size of the respawn trigger.
-Increased damage from contact with electric ring ropes.
-Increased rotation speed on all characters.
-Increased FOV for the first person camera.
-Fixed a bug that would make the mouse cursor disappear under certain circumstances.
-Fixed a bug that would create the wrong stipulations for a custom match under certain circumstances.
-Fixed a few more visual and gameplay bugs.
-Did some slight edits to the Ancestral Crib arena.
-Did some slight edits to Mahkklen's model.
-Added an outline to the character's names during a match.
-Revamped the third person camera angle.
can i has free key
check under the couch